Get a Sneak Peek of DFT®'s Valve Solutions and Equipment

Watch DFT®'s Informative Videos 

Want to see some of DFT®'s valve solutions in action? Click on the thumbnail below to view one of our educational videos. All videos are also available on DFT®'s YouTube channel.


About DFT

An Introduction to DFT® Inc.

An Introduction to DFT® Inc.

Featuring a virtual tour of DFT® Inc.'s production facility. Meet the DFT® Inc. team in this introductory video.



World-Class Manufacturer of Check Valves and Control Valves

World-Class Manufacturer of Check Valves and Control Valves


DFT® Wins 2017 Company of the Year

DFT® Inc. Wins 2017 Company of the Year

The 110-year-old check valve manufacturer won the World Trade Center of Philadelphia's 2017 Company of the Year Award for Pennsylvania.

DFT® Featured on NetWorth

DFT® Featured on NetWorth

Business and financial television program Net Worth goes behind-the-scenes at DFT® Inc., exploring our company's history, inner workings and how we contribute to various industries.

What is water hammer video

What is Water Hammer Animation?

DFT® Inc.'s water hammer animation illustrates the phenomenon, its root cause as well as solutions to prevent it. Watch the video to learn how pressure changes can affect your valves and fluid systems.

Qué es el Golpe de Ariete

¿Qué es el Golpe de Ariete? | DFT® Inc.

Golpe de ariete es una onda de choque, transmitida a través del fluido contenido en un sistema de tuberías. También usted ve un modelo Excalibur DFT® Válvula de retención silenciosa asistida por resorte en el arranque de la bomba. 


Check Valve Installation and Piping Design Guidelines Webinar

Check Valve Installation and Piping Design Guidelines Webinar

Watch our DFT® Inc. webinar on Check Valve Installation and Piping Design Guidelines, presented by DFT® Inc. Vice President and General Manager Arie Bregman.

Understanding Check Valves Webinar

Understanding Check Valve Sizing Webinar

Size your check valve for the application, not just the line size with this on-demand Engineering360 webinar.

Steam Condensate: Important Things to Know

Steam Condensate: Important Things to Know

Steam is used across many industries and plays an important role in a variety of industrial processes, including everything from atomization to propulsion and sterilization. This presentation will explain the uses of steam, the problems that can potentially arise, and the solutions to these problems.

Water Hammer Webinar: Causes, Fixes & Prevention

In this webinar, DFT Inc.’s Vice President and General Manager and Valve Manufacturing Association (VMA) board member Arie Bregman shares lessons learned during his 35 years of valve experience. Arie also answers water hammer questions such as: What is water hammer? How do I stop water hammer?

Severe Service Control Valves: Problems and Solutions

Severe Service Control Valves: Problems and Solutions

Maintaining the performance of your facility’s control valves will ensure continued successful operations for your organization. At DFT®, we know a thing or two about valves, and we’re excited to share our knowledge with you!



Axial Flow Check Valves

Superior Protection for Pumps and Compressors – Why Axial Flow Check Valves Are Your Best Choice

The main purpose of this webinar is to help you understand the differences among the many different design types of check valves and the advantages or disadvantages that some of those check valve styles present in certain applications. We will be talking about liquids and gases, vertical vs. horizontal piping, best installation practices for valves, water hammer, and finally get into solutions for the different application circumstances you may have.

Engineered Check Valve Solutions For Natural Gas Applications Webinar and Slide Deck

Effective and reliable natural gas transmission requires a complex network of interconnected metering and compressor stations, processing plants, storage facilities, pipelines, valves, and other equipment.

Check Valves

DFT® ALC Wafer Check Valve vs. Double Door

ALC® Wafer Check Valve vs. Double Door

The DFT® model ALC is a wafer check valve providing reliability and low maintenance for a wide range of fluids and gases at various pressure and temperature combinations. See a side by side comparison to a double door.

DFT® ALC® Válvula de Retención Wafer ALC vs. Doble Clapeta

ALC® Válvula de Retención Wafer ALC vs. Doble Clapeta

El modelo DFT® ALC es una válvula de retención de la oblea que proporciona una confiabilidad y bajo mantenimiento para una amplia variedad de fluidos y gases a diferentes combinaciones de temperaura / presion. Ver una comparación lado a lado a una doble clapeta.

GLC vs. Swing Check Valve animation

GLC® vs. Swing Check Valve Animation

Understand the difference between the GLC Flanged Check Valve and Swing Check Valve by watching this animated illustration of the two valves.

PDC Flanged Check Valve

PDC Flanged Check Valve Animation

The PDC Silent Check Valve is specially designed for use on the discharge side of reciprocating air or gas compressors. It includes a pulse damping chamber to maintain the disc in the open position during flow reductions.

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DFT® PDC® Check Valve (Pulse Dampening Check Valve) - Built for Reciprocating Compressors

The DFT® model PDC® Check Valve is a pulse dampening check valve specially designed for use on the discharge side of reciprocating air or gas compressors.

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Válvula de retención de amortiguación de pulsos PDC®

DFT® ha sido un fabricante de clase mundial de válvulas de retención sin golpes y de flujo axial desde 1943.

DFT Inc - ALC Axial Flow Check Valve

ALC® Axial Flow Check Valve

DFT® Inc.'s ALC Check Valve is a non-slam, spring assisted "wafer" check valve designed to prevent problems such as water hammer and reverse flow in your piping system.

DFT DSV Sanitary Check Valve

A spring-assisted, non-slam check valve, the DSV® Check Valve prevents flow reversal in systems to meet the most stringent cleanliness codes in various industries.

DFT® DSV® Válvula de Retención Sanitaria

La válvula de retención DSV®, una válvula de retención asistida por resorte que no se cierra de golpe, evita la inversión del flujo en los sistemas para cumplir con los códigos de limpieza más estrictos en varias industrias.



Control Valves

Control Valve

Control Valve Animation

DFT®'s control valve offers a straight-through design with a non-obstructed flow. Its features include high rangeability, high flow capacity, class V shutoff and a unique internal design.

How to Select the Right Control Valve

How to Select the Right Control Valve

DFT®'s Control valves play a vital role in ensuring the efficiency of a fluid system. It is important to choose the one you use carefully. Otherwise, it may not operate or perform as expected, resulting in decreased process efficiency and/or system damage.

DFT® Hi-100 Severe Service Control Valve

DFT® HI-100 Severe Service Control Valve

The DFT® model HI-100 Control Valve is a Severe Service Control Valve that can handle a wide variety of fluids - from gases and liquids to light Slurries as well as high pressure /and a wide range of temperatures.



Hi-100® Severe Service Control Valve: Features & Benefits Overview

The DFT® HI-100 Control Valve is a Severe Service Control Valve that provides a range of support when it comes to gasses, liquids and more.